I will be sharing additional stories in the near future, but wanted to jump start this blog again with a quick story about Nick.
Nick has the best attitude towards quarantine. He views it as the greatest thing on earth because he gets to work out more, watch TV more, and hang out with his family more. Nick's attitude is infectious, and it has been a big factor in helping me deal with limited activity and limited socialization. Seeing Covid through Nick's eyes makes me appreciate the little blessings in the messiness of it all.
Most days Nick comes with me to the office. Many kids would complain about it. But not Nick. He thinks it is great and views it as his office too. Today, he spent the morning on and off Zoom sessions working with his teacher (he is in a transition program with our school district). Between sessions, he used his yoga mat and the weights he keeps at the office to work out. Many days, he and I are the only ones there. Which also makes him quite happy because there is no competition for space.
At noon, we decided to walk over to the nearby shopping center to pick up pizza. It was a beautiful, sunny day, and we chatted about all types of things while we walked. Once we got into the center, I handed Nick his mask and put on my own. It is weird how natural putting on a mask has become.
Early in quarantine, Nick refused to go places because he didn't like the idea of wearing a mask. It has become easier, but it isn’t (or wasn’t) his favorite thing to do. So, today, as I handed him his mask, I mentioned that we only needed to wear them into the restaurant and could take them off for the walk back to the office.
Without missing a beat, he said "It's okay, now we are like bandits.”
And that’s how Nick processes life. Change takes a moment to settle in and then he seems to take whatever we are facing, big or small, and find a comfortable place for it to sit. I have said it before, and I am sure I will say it again. I am really lucky to have Nick in my life. He makes almost everything better. Even wearing a mask during Covid.